Saturday, 11 May 2013

Two week induction is an essential part of transition

The transition from student nurse to staff nurse is greatly eased by my two week induction programme into the trust. Part of this are 5 supernumerary shifts where I slowly familiarize myself with the lay out and routine of the ward I am working. I have been given many forms to fill in within this time which mainly outline the essential knowledge I need such as admitting patients, discharging patients, transferring patients etc. In this time I have also been inducted into the computer system of the place so that I can access the staff intranet and patient management, emails etc. During this time I have very gradually realized that I am in fact being supported and not just left to my own devices to either sink or swim. The staff on the ward are always approachable and on hand to patiently explain things. Induction is also a chance to familiarize yourself with hospital policies, such as drug administration or blood transfusion. Remember abiding by the policies is the only things able to protect you from making lethal mistakes. They are there to not only protect patient but practitioners also. A very interesting session was about delegation which outlined the demarcation of registered nurses' responsibility when delegating to clinical support workers. Delegating responsibly, intelligently and politely is a skill to be improved upon.

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