Tuesday, 21 May 2013

It's kind of like learning to dance

And of course dancing (in nursing) is seldom a solo activity. I am making it my business to be on first name terms with the team, I ask them who they are, which team they're in (if they are doctors...and this is quite complicated, still working on that one), what their name is and tell them my name. Once I've done this their expression opens up and we begin to relate to each other like human beings, which is great for my patient as I get clear information. Today I made a point of introducing myself to the pharmacist and requested that next week, when I am in charge of my 7 patients on my own, when he changes the timing of medications to tell me personally if he can. He was fine about it and as we stood there he said 'Oh, this is a good time to do some teaching' and took me through a prescription chart explaining all the amendments to look for next week. Saying hi to staff and introducing yourself open up avenues of communication that may never come about. Today I found myself tentatively dancing quite a few steps - OK, they weren't all joined up and many of them were missing - but it's more steps than I've strung together so far on a shift...AND I'm meeting some wonderful people, both patients as well as staff. What is there not to like??

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