Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Think before you pick up the phone

Part of developing my skills I need to refer a patient who needs more specialist care to either doctors or critical outreach. This needs to be done on the phone BUT under no circumstances should a nurse just pick up the phone and hope she can recall information about the patient off the top of her head. What is more professional and efficient is to have the nursing and medical notes in front of you so that whatever questions they may ask, such as..'what is the par score?' or 'what is the latest medical plan for this patient?' you can reply with accurate up to date info that is detail rich with all the numbers at hand. This means your patient will get the timely help they need. It was a doctor who gave me this advise yesterday, she said she had been caught out a few times not having been prepared before making a call and being told to call back when she had the relevant information. I must try to remember this good advice.

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