Sunday, 2 June 2013

planning my shift

These few long days I've just done have been like going on a mining expedition, drilling down into the hows and wherefors of the practicalities of my role. As I drill into the layers of information I need to learn the more displaced matter is flying around, making things, temporarily, more confusing. One of the trickier and more confusing things has been discharging patients, mainly because there are so many things to remember to do and arrange. Lots of forward thinking..where are they going to? Will their residential home accept their current condition? How will they get in? Do they need a care package? Have I informed the next of kin? Has their EDN been completed and has pharmacy been informed of the take out drugs they need? etc etc etc...All this is very time consuming, and I'm already rushed off my feet as it is..oh and don't forget to book transport at the right time for the patient. My morning routine is coming together but there are still things to add on such as beginning to think about and plan all of the above for those due to be discharged. If I note these patients down then I can plan my afternoon activities better. Discharge is time consuming and this will allow me to plan it into my day.

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